Foreign Language Annals

ACTFL's official academic journal

Foreign language annals

Background 和 Content

Foreign Language Annals 是ACTFL的官方评审期刊,于1967年创刊. 本刊旨在满足课堂教师的专业兴趣, 研究人员, 和管理人员在各种情况下,并致力于推进教学和学习的外语, particularly languages other than English. It is published four times per year.

Please note: Our access procedures have recently changed. 要获得电子下注软件访问佛罗里达州,请点击以下链接并按照说明操作. If you have questions or difficulty, please contact us at

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Best Practices for Scholarly Review ACTFL/佛罗里达州 Webinar

研究 和 Me: Incorporating 佛罗里达州 into your Classroom

在这个演讲中,前编辑朱莉·赛克斯解释了如何有目的地使用 佛罗里达州将其与课堂和现实世界的语言学习联系起来.

新冠肺炎时代的世界语言研究:提示、策略与支持 For world language 研究人员, the Covid-19 situation presents challenges for beginning, 继续, 和 completing research projects. Dr. 朱莉·赛克斯,《电子下注软件》前主编 Foreign Language Annals, 俄勒冈大学应用第二语言研究中心主任, a National Foreign Language Resource Center, 俄勒冈州华人旗舰项目的联合主任分享了导航研究的技巧, 参加与ACTFL星际网赌登录与研究主任的访谈, 梅格·马龙, 和 answers participant questions. Access a PDF of the presentation.

Editor, Managing Editor 和 Editorial Board
The Interim Co-Editors of Foreign Language Annals 是博士. 北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校的克里斯汀·达文博士. 弗朗西斯焚身 of The Ohio State University, 和 the Managing Editor is Luke Plonsky, Northern Arizona University.

In addition to the Interim Co-Editors 和 Managing Editor, the members of the journal’s Editorial Board are:
Tasha Austin, State University of New York at Buffalo
Beatrice Dupuy, University of Arizona
Agnes Weiyun He, State University of New York at Stonybrook
Claudia Holguín, University of California, Riverside
Kris Knisely, University of Arizona
Jason Martel,米德尔伯里国际研究学院
M和y Menke, University of Minnesota
Jason Mizell, University of Miami
Kara Moranski, University of Cincinnati
Cristina Pardo-Ballester, Iowa State University
Tracy Quan, University of Colorado at Boulder
Sinem Sonsaat-Hegelheimer, Iowa State University
Beth Wassell, Rowan University
Qiaona Yu, Wake Forest University
Yang Xiao-Desai, San Francisco State University

Circulation 和 Audience

All of ACTFL’s more than 12,000 members receive Foreign Language Annals as a benefit of membership. 此外,还有1000多家学术图书馆订阅 Foreign Language Annals. 非电子下注软件只能使用机构订阅.


年度订阅美洲UKEurope (non Euro zone)欧洲(欧元区)
Institutional: Online Only$308£ 158€ 199€ 199$406
Institutional: Print + Online$354£ 183€ 229€ 229$467
Institutional: Print Only$308£ 158€ 199€ 199$406

Subscriptions contact: 订阅 Foreign Language Annals, 请致电威利-布莱克威尔客户服务办公室:(781)388-8206或(800)835-6770(北美客户免费), by fax at: (781) 388-8232, 或电邮至:

Permissions contact: 请向威利-布莱克威尔的权利和许可部门咨询


Information for Authors

Authors should carefully review the 作者指导方针 确保他们工作的内容和格式都适合本期刊, then submit the abstract, manuscript 和 accompanying files using the ScholarOne Manuscripts™.

Information for Reviewers

编辑和编辑委员会欢迎愿意为本刊审阅文章的个人. 要加入我们的审稿人名单,请仔细考虑 审稿人的指导方针 (PDF), then register as a reviewer at: 杂志在春季刊中对审稿人的志愿工作予以肯定,并向审稿人发送感谢信,以表彰审稿人对专业的贡献

Background 和 Content

Foreign Language Annals is the official refereed journal of ACTFL. 和 was first published in 1967. 本刊旨在满足课堂教师的专业兴趣, 研究人员, 和管理人员在各种情况下,并致力于推进教学和学习的外语, particularly languages other than English. It is published four times per year.

Please note: Our access procedures have recently changed. 要获得电子下注软件访问佛罗里达州,请点击以下链接并按照说明操作. If you have questions or difficulty, please contact us at

How to Access (Members Only)


Watch 佛罗里达州 Video Abstracts

Many 佛罗里达州 articles feature video abstracts with authors, 他们在哪里帮助你理解为什么研究很重要,以及你如何在课堂上使用它.

How to Submit Articles to 佛罗里达州

本刊欢迎提交关于实证研究的报告, 和 that have clear 和 significant implications for, foreign language teaching 和 learning at all levels of instruction. 本刊还欢迎在外语教育中推进理论讨论的稿件,以及记录教学策略有效性或解决专业内各种新兴问题的稿件.

  • 仅限未发表过的原创作品 在其他地方,没有被任何其他出版物考虑的,可以提交审查.
  • All submissions must be written in st和ard English, 以一种广泛的外语研究读者可以理解的风格, 教育工作者, 和管理员.
  • 书评, 文学评论, anecdotal reports of teaching strategies or activities, 和 opinion pieces are not accepted.
  • 如果提交的主题是英语作为第二语言/外语, 手稿应该写得让所有语言专业人士都能受益. 只关注英文的稿件可以不经审查就退回或转投其他期刊.
  • Foreign Language Annals 力求代表广泛的研究人员和观点. 曾以单一作者或第一作者身分在 Foreign Language Annals may submit subsequent manuscripts such that, 如果你被录取了, 12 months will elapse between publication dates. 此限制不适用于第二作者或后续作者.
  • Foreign Language Annals 不接受同一作者同时提交的多篇文章.
  • 将优先考虑涉及实质性问题的论文, demonstrate expert use of research methods, 并报告新的定性或定量数据,这些数据对基于标准的标准有很强的影响, proficiency-oriented teaching 和 learning of languages.

作者被邀请使用该杂志的网站提交他们的作品 online management system. More than 175 manuscripts are submitted to the journal annually; approximately 15% of the submissions are selected for publication.

Other Frequently Asked Questions
